Carhartt WIP and Ace Trucks have teamed up to collaborate on a limited run of Ace Trucks x Carhartt WIP Ace AF1 Trucks. The two brands share a few team riders, so it's a marriage made in heaven. The trucks themselves feature a Metalic Orange baseplate, with engraved co-branding on the hanger. And, to coincide with the release they've dropped a new edit with Free Skate Mag, featuring Max Palmer, Maité Steenhoudt, Noah Mahieu, Joseph Biais, Raph Langslow, Guy Azulay, Marine Bourdais, Ewing Ayala and Amélien Foures.
Featuring Max Palmer, Maité Steenhoudt, Raph Langslow, Guy Azulay, Marine Bourdais, Noah Mahieu, Ewing Ayala, Joseph Biais & Amélien Foures.
Shop all Ace Trucks x Carhatt WIP at Bored.

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