Cliche Skateboards x Adidas Skateboarding - Away Days

Cliche Skateboards x Adidas Skateboarding - Away Days

Cliche Skateboards team up with Adidas Skateboarding to bring you this 3 deck series celebrating the release of their new full...

Cliche Skateboards team up with Adidas Skateboarding to bring you this 3 deck series celebrating the release of their new full length film "Away Days"

Cliche Skateboards established Lyon, France in the summer of 1997 have been one of the biggest skateboarding companies for well over a decade. Now in 2016 it only seems right to collaborate with Adidas Skateboarding to celebrate their new full length video "Away Days" which took the skateboarding world by storm with their riders Lucas Puig, Lem Villemin & Pete Eldridge representing both sides of the parties.

Here at Bored, we have all 3 that can be found HERE. That retail at £45 each including grip.

Check out the boards below.

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 Cliche x Adidas Lucas Puig Deck

Cliche x Adidas Lucas Puig Deck - TOP


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Cliche x Adidas Pete Eldridge Deck


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