Huf x Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Huf x Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Check Huf's new collab with the cult classic horror flick, Texas Chaisaw Massacre.

Skateboard apparel OG's, HUF has teamed up with Leatherface himself for their latest collab, with this gruesome, new Huf x Texas Chainsaw Massacre collection. Since the movie's original release back in 1974, this iconic horror classic has gone on to be regarded as one of the best in its genre. So it's no surprise that when HUF wanted to partner with its first horror franchise it was TCM. The collab capsule combines unmistakable typography and images from the slasher flick, with Huf's line of cut & sew staples. A few of our favourites include the Huf Texas Chainsaw TT Hoodie, with its TCM re-working of Huf's classic Triple Triangle logo. As well as the Huf Box Office Tee and Huf Fear Foam Trucker, featuring photo graphics, mixed with memorable quotes from the movie. Take a closer look at more pieces from the collection below. 

Shop all HUF at Bored. 

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