To get everyone hyped for the tenth O.W.L transmission SΦMNIUM, dropping in June. The main man behind Orwellian World Landscape, Al Hodgson has just dropped this little gem of an edit, Tetracys. It featuring UK DC Shoes rider Harrison Woolgar, along side Cal Dawson, Bored of Southsea store rider Alfie Sexton, there's even an appearance in there of Al Hodgson himself. We can't wait to see what these boys are gonna come through with, and if you want to go to along to any of the premieres then check out the dates and venues below.
SΦMNIUM premiere dates & venues in June:
02/06/23 - Brighton - 8 PM - Loud Shirt Brewery & Taproom
08/06/23 - London - 7 PM - HOTEL Peckham
09/06/23 - Hastings - 8:30 PM - Source Skatepark
10/06/23 - Portsmouth - 8 PM - Pitt St. Skatepark